3. The Library in the Lighthouse
Two spring breaks ago on a tour of the lighthouse on St. Simon’s Island in Georgia, I was fascinated by a library box that was showcased inside. Apparently, a traveling library was commonplace among lighthouses way back when people actually resided and worked in them. (You can learn more about the history of the traveling library here: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-most-precious-cargo-for-lighthouses-across-america-was-a-traveling-library). During this past spring break, my husband surprised me with a replica of one these lighthouse libraries to hold my own collection of precious books. I really should have been a librarian. I aspire to be like Stephen King and read 52 books in a year. Last year, I read 40. During our spring break trips this year, I managed to work my way through three books over the course of the week: Talking to Girls About Duran Duran by Rob Sheffield, a memoir about the author’s favorite 1980s songs and what they mean to him (combining my love of reading with all those cheesy songs of that decade); The Forever Summer by Jamie Brenner, a fiction tale about female familial relationships that I picked up on a whim during my weekly trip to our local library and turned out to be one of the best books I ever read; and Point of View by Elisabeth Hasselbeck (because I love inspirational celebrity stories). I can’t wait to fill up my lighthouse library. And, now that spring break is over and summer is rounding the corner, I am also very much looking forward to getting my fill of reading at the beach, my favorite place to pick up a book and escape.
What is on your summer bucket reading list? Please share with me.
