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I have not packed a suitcase and left the confines of my home since the end of December. Typically, we take a respite from our travels during the wintertime due to the uncertainty of the weather. But since about mid-February, I’ve been rearing to go. I am often quite bored with staying home and can’t sit still for very long. It’s just my personality. I need a break from the mundane of daily life---dishes, homework, dusting, cleaning up cat throw up, dentist and doctor appointments, and other household projects and school and work obligations. And then here comes along this little thing called the coronavirus that throws a wrench into everything. We still have our spring break trip planned and our fingers doubly, triply crossed. Hey, I freely admit I am living in a dream world by holding onto hope that we can still make our getaway. But at this moment I would rather live in a dream world than be stuck in this true nightmare that we all find ourselves stuck in right now. At any rate, aside from a few hikes and walks around the neighborhood, we’ve been begrudgingly sticking at home. We’ve been keeping busy by playing a lot of poker, a lot of rummy, and watching a lot of Friends. Some days are surely better than others. But Friends got us all through September 11, it got me through my dad’s death, and they’ll get us through this. Sure, it’s not the same as hanging out with my actual friends and family, but I do take some comfort in knowing we are all in the same boat. I hope everyone is surviving as best they can. Love to you all even on the days when I am mad at the world.



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