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The Travel Basket


I have this oversized basket that we received as a gift on our wedding day that sits behind my office desk. The basket was presented to us filled with bath towels, but today it is overflowing with AAA travel books, travel magazines, newspaper and magazine articles, and rest stop pamphlets and brochures of all the places I want to go. Cleaning out this basket has been on my long-term list of things to do “someday” in all my “free time.” Sadly, someday has come not by choice and so I will soon reluctantly be combing through all these materials in my travel basket and daydreaming of future travel plans a few months from now (fingers crossed). At the beginning of 2020, I made an outline of blog topics for the year and this particular blog post was intended to be a focus on our spring break trip to the islands of Georgia and Florida, a trip that has been cancelled twice now. I’m not complaining, though, because at the moment I would rather be able to travel to Pennsylvania to hug my mom, laugh with my sisters until our bellies ache, and meet my newest niece for the first time and visit with my husband’s parents and family in New Jersey. I would even just settle to be able to walk around locally with my children at Busch Gardens on one of these beautiful spring days or simply stop by one of my favorite places in Williamsburg, the library. For now, I guess I’ll just get back to daydreaming.



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